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The meaning of ''"Praveen"'' in the Sanskrit language is "skilled" or "talented" or "Honest" .It is most often a male name and a given name, and less commonly a surname. A prevalent modern name, it has been adapted into many other languages. In various languages of South Asia, "praveen" is a word which refers to specialty. For example, in the Telugu language, saṅgeetam-lō pravīṇuḍu (సంగీతంలో ప్రవీణుడు) refers to a person who is skilled in music.The name ''"Praveen"'' was first used by royal heirs of the Ancient South-Indian Kingdoms who were born during the "Rudhrodhgaari" (57th year) of the 60-year cycle of the Tamil Calendar derived from ancient astronomical data, known as the "Tirukkanda Panchanga". (cf. The Secret Doctrine, 2:49-51) Provided by Wikipedia