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421Measuring Social Value of Information Technology: Application of Topic Modelling and System Dynamics“… that the core concepts relating to social value come together to form? Third, how are the important concepts…”
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422by Nazaruddin A.T.; Mohamed Z.; Mohd Azizul L.; Hafez M.A.“…Stone column is the most favorable method used by engineers in designing work for stabilization…”
Published in AIP Conference Proceedings (2017)
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Conference paper -
423by Qistina O.; Salmiaton A.; Choong T.S.Y.; Izhar S.; Taufiq-Yap Y.H.“… weak peak due to poor infrared transmittance, while the surface analysis of the CNTs monolith exhibited…”
Published in Journal of Applied Science and Engineering (2025)
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424by Sengupta P.; Durairajanayagam D.; Agarwal A.“…Spermatozoa consume energy in the form of intracellular adenosine triphosphate (ATP) generated…”
Published in Male Infertility: Contemporary Clinical Approaches, Andrology, ART and Antioxidants: Second Edition (2020)
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Book chapter -
425“… Diagonalization (BD) to mitigate the inter-user interferences for this work will be investigated. This paper…”
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426by Ramli A.S.; Qureshi N.; Abdul-Hamid H.; Kamal A.; Kanchau J.D.; Shahuri N.S.; Akyea R.K.; Silva L.; Condon L.; Abdul-Razak S.; Al-Khateeb A.; Chua Y.-A.; Mohamed-Yassin M.-S.; Baharudin N.; Badlishah-Sham S.F.; Aziz A.F.A.; Kasim N.A.M.; Kadir S.H.S.A.; Kai J.; Leonardi-Bee J.; Nawawi H.“… of Health primary care clinics located at the central administrative region of Malaysia. In Work stream 1…”
Published in JMIR Research Protocols (2023)
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427by Cahyawati N.E.; Mahmud N.M.; Pratama R.K.“… of work environment, professional recognition, labor market considerations, financial rewards, and gender…”
Published in Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research (2025)
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428by Alias N.A.; Syed-Aris S.R.; Hashim H.; Mustafa K.I.“… the world (i.e., to work collaboratively). © 2023 by IGI Global. All rights reserved.…”
Published in Cases on Responsive and Responsible Learning in Higher Education (2023)
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429“… personal concern and a basic part of societal standards, with substantial implications for medical students…”
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430by Kamaruddin N.A.B.; Ghani W.A.W.A.K.; Hamid M.R.A.; Alias A.B.; Shamsudin A.H.“… energy outputs. In this work, calorific values and ultimate analyses of a wide variety of BSW reported…”
Published in Journal of Applied Science and Engineering (2023)
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431by Zakaria Z.; Abu Bakar Wan N.A.; Mohd Daud N.; Mohamed I.S.“… working at Majlis Amanah Rakyat (MARA), Kelantan, Malaysia. Fifty-Six questionnaires were distributed…”
Published in Advances in Business and Management (2011)
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432by Hassan N.A.; Abd. Kahar Z.; Nadzalan A.Md.; Lee J.L.F.; Azmi A.M.N.; Pratama R.S.; Purwoto S.P.“… to investigate the RAE in more depth by adding variables such as gender, sports category, and the type of higher…”
Published in Retos (2025)
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433by Ghouse R.M.; Natasha A.N.; Shahedan N.F.; Ramesh S.; Bang L.T.“… of 1.67. Hence. through calcination, eggshell waste in pure CaCO3 form has been successfully utilised as a…”
Published in International Journal of Integrated Engineering (2024)
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434by Bentham J.; Di Cesare M.; Stevens G.A.; Zhou B.; Bixby H.; Cowan M.; Fortunato L.; Bennett J.E.; Danaei G.; Hajifathalian K.; Lu Y.; Riley L.M.; Laxmaiah A.; Kontis V.; Paciorek C.J.; Riboli E.; Ezzati M.; Abdeen Z.A.; Hamid Z.A.; Abu-Rmeileh N.M.; Acosta-Cazares B.; Adams R.; Aekplakorn W.; Aguilar-Salinas C.A.; Agyemang C.; Ahmadvand A.; Ahrens W.; Alhazzaa H.M.; Al-Othman A.R.; Raddadi R.A.; Ali M.M.; Alkerwi A.; Alvarez-Pedrerol M.; Aly E.; Amouyel P.; Amuzu A.; Andersen L.B.; Anderssen S.A.; Anjana R.M.; Aounallah-Skhiri H.; Ariansen I.; Aris T.; Arlappa N.; Arveiler D.; Assah F.K.; Avdicová M.; Azizi F.; Babu B.V.; Bahijri S.; Balakrishna N.; Bandosz P.; Banegas J.R.; Barbagallo C.M.; Barceló A.; Barkat A.; Barros M.V.; Bata I.; Batieha A.M.; Batista R.L.; Baur L.A.; Beaglehole R.; Romdhane H.B.; Benet M.; Bernabe-Ortiz A.; Bernotiene G.; Bettiol H.; Bhagyalaxmi A.; Bharadwaj S.; Bhargava S.K.; Bhatti Z.; Bhutta Z.A.; Bi H.; Bi Y.; Bjerregaard P.; Bjertness E.; Bjertness M.B.; Björkelund C.; Blokstra A.; Bo S.; Bobak M.; Boddy L.M.; Boehm B.O.; Boeing H.; Boissonnet C.P.; Bongard V.; Bovet P.; Braeckman L.; Bragt M.C.E.; Brajkovich I.; Branca F.; Breckenkamp J.; Brenner H.; Brewster L.M.; Brian G.R.; Bruno G.; Bueno-De-mesquita H.B.; Bugge A.; Burns C.; de León A.C.; Cacciottolo J.; Cama T.; Cameron C.; Camolas J.; Can G.; Cândido A.P.C.; Capuano V.; Cardoso V.C.; Carlsson A.C.; Carvalho M.J.; Casanueva F.F.; Casas J.-P.; Caserta C.A.; Chamukuttan S.; Chan A.W.; Chan Q.; Chaturvedi H.K.; Chaturvedi N.; Chen C.-J.; Chen F.; Chen H.; Chen S.; Chen Z.; Cheng C.-Y.; Chetrit A.; Chiolero A.; Chiou S.-T.; Chirita-Emandi A.; Cho B.; Cho Y.; Christensen K.; Chudek J.; Cifkova R.; Claessens F.; Clays E.; Concin H.; Cooper C.; Cooper R.; Coppinger T.C.; Costanzo S.; Cottel D.; Cowell C.; Craig C.L.; Crujeiras A.B.; D’Arrigo G.; D’Orsi E.; Dallongeville J.; Damasceno A.; Damsgaard C.T.; Dankner R.; Dauchet L.; De Backer G.; De Bacquer D.; de Gaetano G.; De Henauw S.; De Smedt D.; Deepa M.; Deev A.D.; Dehghan A.; Delisle H.; Delpeuch F.; Deschamps V.; Dhana K.; Di Castelnuovo A.F.; Dias-Da-costa J.S.; Diaz A.; Djalalinia S.; Do H.T.P.; Dobson A.J.; Donfrancesco C.; Donoso S.P.; Döring A.; Doua K.; Drygas W.; Dzerve V.; Egbagbe E.E.; Eggertsen R.; Ekelund U.; El Ati J.; Elliott P.; Engle-Stone R.; Erasmus R.T.; Erem C.; Eriksen L.; Escobedo-De la Peña J.; Evans A.; Faeh D.; Fall C.H.; Farzadfar F.; Felix-Redondo F.J.; Ferguson T.S.; Fernández-Bergés D.; Ferrante D.; Ferrari M.; Ferreccio C.; Ferrieres J.; Finn J.D.; Fischer K.; Flores E.M.; Föger B.; Foo L.H.; Forslund A.-S.; Forsner M.; Fortmann S.P.; Fouad H.M.; Francis D.K.; Franco M.D.C.; Franco O.H.; Frontera G.; Fuchs F.D.; Fuchs S.C.; Fujita Y.; Furusawa T.; Gaciong Z.; Gafencu M.; Gareta D.; Garnett S.P.; Gaspoz J.-M.; Gasull M.; Gates L.; Geleijnse J.M.; Ghasemian A.; Giampaoli S.; Gianfagna F.; Giovannelli J.; Giwercman A.; Goldsmith R.A.; Gonçalves H.; Gross M.G.; Rivas J.P.G.; Gorbea M.B.; Gottrand F.; 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Kafatos A.; Kalter-Leibovici O.; Kapantais E.; Kasaeian A.; Katz J.; Kaur P.; Kavousi M.; Keil U.; Boker L.K.; Keinänen-Kiukaanniemi S.; Kelishadi R.; Kemper H.C.G.; Kengne A.P.; Kersting M.; Key T.; Khader Y.S.; Khalili D.; Khang Y.-H.; Khaw K.-T.H.; Khouw I.M.S.L.; Kiechl S.; Killewo J.; Kim J.; Klimont J.; Klumbiene J.; Koirala B.; Kolle E.; Kolsteren P.; Korrovits P.; Koskinen S.; Kouda K.; Koziel S.; Kratzer W.; Krokstad S.; Kromhout D.; Kruger H.S.; Kubinova R.; Kujala U.M.; Kula K.; Kulaga Z.; Kumar R.K.; Kurjata P.; Kusuma Y.S.; Kuulasmaa K.; Kyobutungi C.; Laamiri F.Z.; Laatikainen T.; Lachat C.; Laid Y.; Lam T.H.; Landrove O.; Lanska V.; Lappas G.; Larijani B.; Laugsand L.E.; Bao K.L.N.; Le T.D.; Leclercq C.; Lee J.; Lee J.; Lehtimäki T.; Lekhraj R.; León-Muñoz L.M.; Li Y.; Lilly C.L.; Lim W.-Y.; Lima-Costa M.F.; Lin H.-H.; Lin X.; Linneberg A.; Lissner L.; Litwin M.; Liu J.; Lorbeer R.; Lotufo P.A.; Lozano J.E.; Luksiene D.; Lundqvist A.; Lunet N.; Lytsy P.; Ma G.; Ma J.; Machado-Coelho G.L.L.; 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Tulloch-Reid M.K.; Tuomainen T.-P.; Tuomilehto J.; Turley M.L.; Tynelius P.; Tzotzas T.; Tzourio C.; Ueda P.; Ukoli F.A.M.; Ulmer H.; Unal B.; Uusitalo H.M.T.; Valdivia G.; Vale S.; Valvi D.; van der Schouw Y.T.; Van Herck K.; Van Minh H.; van Rossem L.; van Valkengoed I.G.M.; Vanderschueren D.; Vanuzzo D.; Vatten L.; Vega T.; Velasquez-Melendez G.; Veronesi G.; Verschuren W.M.M.; Verstraeten R.; Victora C.G.; Viegi G.; Viet L.; Viikari-Juntura E.; Vineis P.; Vioque J.; Virtanen J.K.; Visvikis-Siest S.; Viswanathan B.; Vollenweider P.; Voutilainen S.; Vrdoljak A.; Vrijheid M.; Wade A.N.; Wagner A.; Walton J.; Mohamud W.N.W.; Wang M.-D.; Wang Q.; Wang Y.X.; Wannamethee S.G.; Wareham N.; Weerasekera D.; Whincup P.H.; Widhalm K.; Widyahening I.S.; Wiecek A.; Wijga A.H.; Wilks R.J.; Willeit J.; Wilsgaard T.; Wojtyniak B.; Wong J.E.; Wong T.Y.; Woo J.; Woodward M.; Wu F.C.; Wu J.; Wu S.L.; Xu H.; Xu L.; Yamborisut U.; Yan W.; Yang X.; Yardim N.; Ye X.; Yiallouros P.K.; Yoshihara A.; You Q.S.; Younger-Coleman N.O.; Yusoff A.F.; Zainuddin A.A.; Zambon S.; Zdrojewski T.; Zeng Y.; Zhao D.; Zhao W.; Zheng Y.; Zhou M.; Zhu D.; Zimmermann E.; Cisneros J.Z.“… reanalysed 1472 population-based studies, with measurement of height on more than 18.6 million participants…”
Published in eLife (2016)
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435“… controlled nanopores with distinctive pore geometries. Recent research on AAO is characterized by a…”
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436“… in the finished product warehouse. A problem arose during the packaging stage in the first work shift, where…”
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437by Zainuddin A.; Hairuddin M.A.; Abd Latiff Z.I.; Benavides F.; Jusoh M.H.; Mohd Yassin A.I.“… geomagnetic storms. This work introduces a GRU approach for GICs forecasting based on the rate of change…”
Published in Journal of Physics: Conference Series (2024)
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438“… and Science University, Malaysia. The aims were explained and a consent form was signed by each participant…”
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439by Mardziah C.M.; Ramesh S.; Chandran H.; Sidhu A.; Krishnasamy S.“… and more densely when sintered at 1250 °C, indicating that there was strong interaction between pores…”
Published in Ceramics International (2023)
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440by Liyana Bekri N.; Idris I.; Md Som A.; Nazri Murat M.; Sholahudin Rohman F.; Ahmad Ilyas R.; Azmi A.“…. The significance of LDPE polymerization process has created numerous works of modelling and simulation of LDPE…”
Published in Materials Today: Proceedings (2023)
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