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41by Mirmohamadsadeghi S.; Karimi K.; Tabatabaei M.; Aghbashlo M.“…Food wastes have a high biomethane production potential because of their high organic matter…”
Published in Bioresource Technology Reports (2019)
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42by Putit, Lennora; Joremi, Leylawati; Johan, Zaimy Johana; Hendrayati, Heny“…Increased global recognition of organic food has prompted developed nations to adopt ecological…”
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Proceedings Paper -
43by Maznieda M.; Dalila R.; Rosnah S.; Rohaida I.; Rosmanajihah M.L.; Mizanurfakhri G.; Nurhanie M.“…The monsoon flood was inevitable for Malaysia. Nevertheless, no one expected that it would…”
Published in International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction (2022)
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44by Semail, Nadhiratul-Farihin; Yahaya, Noorfatimah; Mohamed, Ahmad Husaini; Chen, David Da Yong; Zain, Nur Nadhirah Mohamad“…Advancements in food technology have increased the need for thorough analysis to ensure food safety…”
Published in ELECTROPHORESIS (2025)
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Review; Early Access -
45by Muhammad Alif I.R.; Kamarudin A.F.; Seyed Hakim S.J.; Musa M.K.; Hamid S.; Mohammadhasani M.; Rathomy Romeli M.A.“…Cold-formed steel (CFS) structures are becoming popular due to their lightweight, high strength…”
Published in Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering (2024)
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Conference paper -
46Kuih Donat: A Narrative Study on the Practical Preparation and Sensory Analysis of Local Street Foodby Abdul Latip M.S.; Sulong S.N.; Arifin A.; Ismail S.N.; Abdul Karim N.“… formulation for food cost calculations. The study includes two extensively tested recipes that offer…”
Published in Journal of Culinary Science and Technology (2025)
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47by Semail N.-F.; Yahaya N.; Mohamed A.H.; Chen D.D.Y.; Zain N.N.M.“…Advancements in food technology have increased the need for thorough analysis to ensure food safety…”
Published in Electrophoresis (2025)
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Review -
49by Rambey R.; Kembaren Y.; Rahmawaty; Widianti P.; Suratman M.N.; Pardi F.; Abdullah M.F.; Gandaseca S.“…Mushrooms have been used by people for many years, both as food and medicine. The lack of research…”
Published in IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (2024)
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Conference paper -
50by Rahim H.; Irpan H.M.; Rasool M.S.A.“… particularly in obtaining halal foods. In the context product and service selection and purchase…”
Published in International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Production Research (2022)
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51by Waras, Maisarah Nasution; How, Vivien; Yahaya, Noorfatimah; Shahrun, Mohammad Shahid; Hijrah, Nursyahidani Nadia Mohd; Ahmad, Zulkhairul Naim bin Sidek; Ruddin, Nurul Iffah Amir Shah; Rahaman, Siti Rakiah Abdul“… to human biomonitoring and pesticide residue monitoring in the environment and food with the aim to explore…”
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Review -
52by Omar M.S.; Kie C.J.; Ahmarofi A.A.; Yusuf M.F.“…This study aims to identify the key elements influencing the adoption of food safety certification…”
Published in Edelweiss Applied Science and Technology (2024)
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53by De’nan F.; Yeou C.Y.; Salim W.S.W.; Rahman N.A.; Hashim N.S.“… of cold-formed steel (CFS) sections when exposed to high temperatures. To attain the principal objective…”
Published in International Journal of Steel Structures (2024)
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54“…Food security status is a method used to differentiate food secure and food insecure experience…”
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55by Kee L.T.; Foo J.B.; How C.W.; Azurah A.G.N.; Chan H.H.; Yunus M.H.M.; Ng S.N.; Ng M.H.; Law J.X.“… into the potential of small extracellular vesicles from umbilical cord-derived MSCs (UC-MSC-sEVs) in reducing…”
Published in International Journal of Nanomedicine (2025)
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56by Zainuddin N.; Selamat A.; Ibrahim R.“… for the Twitter domain. The study examines and evaluates the performance of neural networks with word embedding…”
Published in Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications (2018)
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Conference paper -
57by Amalin, Baiq Rusma Jatuwita; Zainal, Nahrul Hayawin; Jawad, Ali H.; Yong, Soon Kong“…Oil palm frond (OPF) is an underutilized biomass that can be a feedstock for producing activated…”
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Article; Early Access -
58by Attaei M.W.; Khatib R.; McKee M.; Lear S.; Dagenais G.; Igumbor E.U.; AlHabib K.F.; Kaur M.; Kruger L.; Teo K.; Lanas F.; Yusoff K.; Oguz A.; Gupta R.; Yusufali A.M.; Bahonar A.; Kutty R.; Rosengren A.; Mohan V.; Avezum A.; Yusuf R.; Szuba A.; Rangarajan S.; Chow C.; Yusuf S.; O'Donnell M.; Mente A.; Leong D.; Smyth A.; Joseph P.; Islam S.; Zhang M.; Hu W.; Ramasundarahettige C.; Wong G.; Dayal L.; Casanova A.; Dehghan M.; Lewis G.; Aliberti A.; Reyes A.; Zaki A.; Lewis B.; Zhang B.; Agapay D.; Hari D.; Milazzo E.; Ramezani E.; Hussain F.; Shifaly F.; Kay I.; Rimac J.; Swallow J.; Heldman L.; Mushtaha M.; Mushtaha M.; Trottier M.; Aoucheva N.; Kandy N.; Mackie P.; Solano R.; Chin S.; Ramacham S.; Shahrook S.; Trottier S.; Tongana T.; ElSheikh W.; Lindeman J.; McQueen M.; Hall K.; Keys J.; Wang X.; Keneth J.; Devanath A.; Diaz R.; Orlandini A.; Linetsky B.; Toscanelli S.; Casaccia G.; Maini Cuneo J.M.; Rahman O.; Azad A.K.; Rabbani K.A.; Cherry H.M.; Mannan A.; Hassan I.; Talukdar A.T.; Tooheen R.B.; Khan M.U.; Sintaha M.; Choudhury T.; Haque R.; Parvin S.; Oliveira G.B.; Marcilio C.S.; Mattos A.C.; Dejesus J.; Poirier P.; Turbide G.; Auger D.; De Bluts A.L.; Proulx M.C.; Cayer M.; Bonneville N.; Gasevic D.; Corber E.; de Jong V.; Vukmirovich I.; Wielgosz A.; Fodor G.; Pipe A.; Shane A.; Seron P.; Martinez S.; Valdebenito A.; Oliveros M.; Wei L.; Lisheng L.; Chunming C.; Xingyu W.; Wenhua Z.; Hongye Z.; JiaXuan; Bo H.; Yi S.; Jian B.; Xiuwen Z.; Xiaohong C.; Tao C.; Hui C.; Qing D.; Xiaoru C.; Xinye H.; JiaXuan; Jian L.; Juan L.; Xu L.; Bing R.; Wei W.; Yang W.; Jun Y.; Yi Z.; Manlu Z.; Fanghong L.; Jianfang W.; Yindong L.; Yan H.; Liangqing Z.; Baoxia G.; Xiaoyang L.; Shiying Z.; BianRongwen; TianXiuzhen; Dong L.; Di C.; Jianguo W.; Yize X.; Tianlu L.; Peng Z.; Changlin D.; Ning L.; Xiaolan M.; Yuqing Y.; Rensheng L.; Minfan F.; Jing H.; Yu L.; Xiaojie X.; Qiang Z.; Lopez-Jaramillo P.; Lopez P.C.; Garcia R.; Jurado L.J.A.; Gómez-Arbeláez D.; Arguello J.F.; Dueñas R.; Silva S.; Pradilla L.P.; Ramirez F.; Molina D.I.; Cure-Cure C.; Perez M.; Hernandez E.; Arcos E.; Fernandez S.; Narvaez C.; Paez J.; Sotomayor A.; Garcia H.; Sanchez G.; David T.; Rico A.; Mony P.; Vaz M.; Bharathi A.V.; Swaminathan S.; Shankar K.; Kurpad A.V.; Jayachitra K.G.; Kumar N.; Hospital H.A.L.; Deepa M.; Parthiban K.; Anitha M.; Hemavathy S.; Rahulashankiruthiyayan T.; Anitha D.; Sridevi K.; Panwar R.B.; Mohan I.; Rastogi P.; Rastogi S.; Bhargava R.; Kumar R.; Thakur J.S.; Patro B.; Lakshmi P.V.M.; Mahajan R.; Chaudary P.; Vijayakumar K.; Ajayan K.; Rajasree G.; Renjini A.R.; Deepu A.; Sandhya B.; Asha S.; Soumya H.S.; Kelishadi R.; Mohammadifard N.; Heidari H.; Ismail T.S.T.; Ng K.K.; Devi A.; Nasir N.M.; Yasin M.M.; Miskan M.; Rahman E.A.; Arsad M.K.M.; Ariffin F.; Razak S.A.; Majid F.A.; Bakar N.A.; Yacob M.Y.; Zainon N.; Salleh R.; Ramli M.K.A.; Halim N.A.; Norlizan S.R.; Ghazali N.M.; Arshad M.N.; Razali R.; Ali S.; Othman H.R.; Hafar C.; Pit A.; Danuri N.; Basir F.; Zahari S.N.A.; Abdullah H.; Arippin M.A.; Zakaria N.A.; Noorhassim I.; Hasni M.J.; Azmi M.T.; Zaleha M.I.; Hazdi K.Y.; Rizam A.R.; Sazman W.; Azman A.; Khammash U.; Khatib A.; Giacaman R.; Iqbal R.; Afridi A.; Khawaja R.; Raza A.; Kazmi K.; Dans A.; Co H.U.; Sanchez J.T.; Pudol L.; Zamora-Pudol C.; Palileo-Villanueva L.A.M.; Aquino M.R.; Abaquin C.; Cabral M.L.; Zatonski W.; Zatonska K.; Ilow# R.; Ferus M.; Regulska-Ilow B.; Różańska D.; Wolyniec M.; Hersi A.; Kashour T.; Alfaleh H.; Alshamiri M.; Altaradi H.B.; Alnobani O.; Bafart A.; Alkamel N.; Ali M.; Abdulrahman M.; Nouri R.; Kruger A.; Voster H.H.; Schutte A.E.; Wentzel-Viljoen E.; Eloff F.C.; de Ridder H.; Moss H.; Potgieter J.; Roux A.A.; Watson M.; de Wet G.; Olckers A.; Jerling J.C.; Pieters M.; Hoekstra T.; Puoane T.; Tsolekile L.; Sanders D.; Ilow P.; Steyn N.; Peer N.; Mayosi B.; Rayner B.; Lambert V.; Levitt N.; Kolbe-Alexander T.; Ntyintyane L.; Hughes G.; Swart R.; Fourie J.; Muzigaba M.; Xapa S.; Gobile N.; Ndayi K.; Jwili B.; Ndibaza K.; Egbujie B.; Boström K.B.; Lindblad U.; Langkilde P.; Gustavsson A.; Andreasson M.; Snällman M.; Wirdemann L.; Pettersson K.; Moberg E.; Yeates K.; Sleeth J.; Kilonzo K.; Akalin A.A.K.; Calik K.B.T.; Imeryuz N.; Temizhan A.; Alphan E.; Gunes E.; Sur H.; Karsidag K.; Gulec S.; Altuntas Y.; Almahmeed W.; Swidan H.; Darwish E.A.; Hashemi A.R.A.; Al-Khaja N.; Muscat-Baron J.M.; Ahmed S.H.; Mamdouh T.M.; Darwish W.M.; Abdelmotagali M.H.S.; Awed S.O.; Movahedi G.A.; Shaibani H.A.; Gharabou R.I.M.; Youssef D.F.; Nawati A.Z.S.; Salah Z.A.; Abdalla R.F.E.; Shuwaihi S.A.; Omairi M.A.; Cadigal O.D.; Alejandrino R.S.; Chifamba J.; Gwaunza L.; Terera G.; Mahachi C.; Murambiwa P.; Machiweni T.; Mapanga R.“…, but its control is poor worldwide. We aimed to assess the availability and affordability of blood pressure…”
Published in The Lancet Public Health (2017)
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59“… in various measurements, including interfacial tension, core-flooding, and wettability. The nanofluid caused…”
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60by Sikiru, Surajudeen; Soleimani, Hassan; Rostami, Amir; Khodapanah, Leila“…% concentration in various measurements, including interfacial tension, core-flooding, and wettability…”
Published in CRYSTALS (2025)
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