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521by Zahri K.N.M.; Khalil K.A.; Gomez-Fuentes C.; Zulkharnain A.; Sabri S.; Convey P.; Lim S.; Ahmad S.A.“…). At the same time, biosurfactant production was confirmed through a preliminary screening test and further…”
Published in Foods (2021)
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522by Chen S.-H.; Lee M.-C.; Wang P.-Y.; Ma M.H.-M.; Shin S.D.; Sun J.-T.; Jamaluddin S.F.; Tanaka H.; Son D.N.; Hong K.J.; Tseng W.-C.; Chiang W.-C.; Khruekarnchana P.; Ramakrishnan T.V.; Van Dai N.; Huy L.B.; Saleh Fares L.L.C.; Al Sakaf O.A.; Akaraborworn O.; Buaprasert P.; Tianwibool P.; Riyapan S.; Kao W.-F.; Hsieh S.-L.; Wang R.-F.; Hsu L.-M.; Kim S.C.; Kim S.J.; Ryu H.H.; Yeom S.R.; Lee K.H.; Ahn J.Y.; Lee S.C.; Cha W.C.; Kim J.-Y.; Moon S.W.; Jeong J.; Song K.J.; Tiglao P.J.; Sabarre N.G.; Convocar P.; Gundran C.D.; Velasco B.; Kimura A.; Wan Abdullah W.R.B.; Ismail S.A.; Hamad H.B.; Chia H.W.; Yang C.B.; Ramanathan P.; Ali S.B.M.; Kheng C.P.; Ji K.W.; Yssof S.J.D.M.; Anthonysamy C.; Kean L.C.; Saim A.-H.; Bin Mohidin M.A.; Jamaluddin S.F.; Abraham G.P.; Rao R.“…” as the site of injury were included. Major trauma was defined as an Injury Severity Score (ISS) value of ≥16…”
Published in Pediatric Research (2024)
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523by Kamarudin W.N.B.W.; Fuza Z.I.M.; Ghani A.M.; Nawawi W.N.W.; Hamid R.; Daud N.M.“…, in the same year, the Ministry of Higher Education revealed that the marketability of Malaysian graduates had…”
Published in Asian Journal of University Education (2023)
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524by Binti Mohd Yusuf Yeo N.A.; Muthuraju S.; Wong J.H.; Mohammed F.R.; Senik M.H.; Zhang J.; Yusof S.R.; Jaafar H.; Adenan M.L.; Mohamad H.; Tengku Muhammad T.S.; Abdullah J.M.“… receptor (γ-Aminobutyric Acid) subtype GABAA α1 subunit in the hippocampus of the same animals. Results: We…”
Published in Brain and Behavior (2018)
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525by Jarimi H.; Bakar M.N.A.; Othman M.; Din M.“… length. The feasibility of incorporating two different types of working fluid into the same PV/T solar…”
Published in Mediterranean Green Buildings and Renewable Energy: Selected Papers from the World Renewable Energy Network's Med Green Forum (2017)
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526by Wan Yusoff W.S.Y.; Abdul Zuki F.A.; Abu M.N.; Saad W.M.Md.“… was checked. Knowledge score and age were described as mean and standard deviation (SD) for numerical data…”
Published in Journal of Cytology (2024)
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527by Rajan S.; McKee M.; Rangarajan S.; Bangdiwala S.; Rosengren A.; Gupta R.; Kutty V.R.; Wielgosz A.; Lear S.; Alhabib K.F.; Co H.U.; Lopez-Jaramillo P.; Avezum A.; Seron P.; Oguz A.; Kruger I.M.; Diaz R.; Nafiza M.-N.; Chifamba J.; Yeates K.; Kelishadi R.; Sharief W.M.; Szuba A.; Khatib R.; Rahman O.; Iqbal R.; Bo H.; Yibing Z.; Wei L.; Yusuf S.“… increased progressively with number of symptoms, being highest in those with 7 symptoms (HR, 1.24; 95% CI…”
Published in JAMA Psychiatry (2020)
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528by Cannarella R.; Shah R.; Boitrelle F.; Saleh R.; Durairajanayagam D.; Harraz A.M.; Agarwal A.“… guidelines. Although the number of SRMAs published in the literature has increased dramatically in the last…”
Published in World Journal of Men's Health (2023)
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529by Yusuf S.; Joseph P.; Rangarajan S.; Islam S.; Mente A.; Hystad P.; Brauer M.; Kutty V.R.; Gupta R.; Wielgosz A.; AlHabib K.F.; Dans A.; Lopez-Jaramillo P.; Avezum A.; Lanas F.; Oguz A.; Kruger I.M.; Diaz R.; Yusoff K.; Mony P.; Chifamba J.; Yeates K.; Kelishadi R.; Yusufali A.; Khatib R.; Rahman O.; Zatonska K.; Iqbal R.; Wei L.; Bo H.; Rosengren A.; Kaur M.; Mohan V.; Lear S.A.; Teo K.K.; Leong D.; O'Donnell M.; McKee M.; Dagenais G.“…. Interpretation: Most cardiovascular disease cases and deaths can be attributed to a small number of common…”
Published in The Lancet (2020)
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530by Tweed C.D.; Wills G.H.; Crook A.M.; Amukoye E.; Balanag V.; Ban A.Y.L.; Bateson A.L.C.; Betteridge M.C.; Brumskine W.; Caoili J.; Chaisson R.E.; Cevik M.; Conradie F.; Dawson R.; del Parigi A.; Diacon A.; Everitt D.E.; Fabiane S.M.; Hunt R.; Ismail A.I.; Lalloo U.; Lombard L.; Louw C.; Malahleha M.; McHugh T.D.; Mendel C.M.; Mhimbira F.; Moodliar R.N.; Nduba V.; Nunn A.J.; Sabi I.; Sebe M.A.; Selepe R.A.P.; Staples S.; Swindells S.; van Niekerk C.H.; Variava E.; Spigelman M.; Gillespie S.H.“… months (4Pa200MZ); 100 mg pretomanid daily for 4 months in the same combination (4Pa100MZ); or standard…”
Published in International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (2021)
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531by Agarwal A.; Farkouh A.; Saleh R.; Hamoda T.A.-A.A.-M.; Salvio G.; Boitrelle F.; Harraz A.M.; Ghayda R.A.; Kavoussi P.; Gül M.; Toprak T.; Russo G.I.; Durairajanayagam D.; Rambhatla A.; Birowo P.; Cannarella R.; Phuoc N.H.V.; Zini A.; Arafa M.; Wyns C.; Tremellen K.; Sarıkaya S.; Lewis S.; Evenson D.P.; Ko E.; Calogero A.E.; Bahar F.; Martínez M.; Ambar R.F.; Colpi G.M.; Bakircioglu M.E.; Henkel R.; Kandil H.; Serefoglu E.C.; Alfakhri A.; Tsujimura A.; Kheradmand A.; Marino A.; Adamyan A.; Zilaitiene B.; Ozer C.; Pescatori E.; Vogiatzi P.; Busetto G.M.; Balercia G.; Elbardisi H.; Akhavizadegan H.; Sajadi H.; Taniguchi H.; Park H.J.; Rosas I.M.; Al-Marhoon M.; Gilani M.A.S.; Alhathal N.; Quang N.; Pinggera G.-M.; Kothari P.; Micic S.; Homa S.; Long T.Q.T.; Zohdy W.; Atmoko W.; Ibrahim W.; Sabbaghian M.; Abumelha S.M.; Chung E.; Ugur M.R.; Ozkent M.S.; Selim O.; Darbandi M.; Fukuhara S.; Jamali M.; de la Rosette J.; Kuroda S.; Smith R.P.; Baser A.; Kalkanli A.; Tadros N.N.; Aydos K.; Mierzwa T.C.; Khalafalla K.; Malhotra V.; Moussa M.; Finocchi F.; Rachman R.I.; Giulioni C.; Avidor-Reiss T.; Kahraman O.; Çeker G.; Zenoaga-Barbăroșie C.; Barrett T.L.; Yilmaz M.; Kadioglu A.; Jindal S.; Omran H.; Bocu K.; Karthikeyan V.S.; Franco G.; Solorzano J.F.; Vishwakarma R.B.; Arianto E.; Garrido N.; Jain D.; Gherabi N.; Sokolakis I.; Palani A.; Calik G.; Kulaksiz D.; Simanaviciene V.; Simopoulou M.; Güngör N.D.; Blecher G.; Falcone M.; Jezek D.; Preto M.; Amar E.; Le T.V.; Ahn S.T.; Rezano A.; Singh K.; Rocco L.; Savira M.; Rajmil O.; Darbandi S.; Sogutdelen E.; Boeri L.; Hernández G.; Hakim L.; Morimoto Y.; Japari A.; Sofikitis N.; Altay B.; Mahmutoglu A.M.; Al Hashimi M.; Ziouziou I.; Anagnostopoulou C.; Lin H.; Shah R.“… of the WHO laboratory manual for the examination and processing of human semen. The purpose of this study…”
Published in World Journal of Men's Health (2023)
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532by Mohammed Noor A.; Asni F.; Hasbulah M.H.; Ramle M.R.“… MAINPP were selected based on their working experience and specialisation criteria. As a result, several…”
Published in Qualitative Research in Financial Markets (2025)
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533by Khalil N.; Che Abdullah S.N.; Haron S.N.; Hamid M.Y.“… and at the same time be able to provide satisfaction to their customers. However, green initiatives require a…”
Published in Journal of Facilities Management (2024)
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Review -
534by Shi W.; Shuib A.; Alwadood Z.“… numerical performance similar to SGD or SGD-BB on some datasets, and on some other datasets, the new…”
Published in IAENG International Journal of Computer Science (2025)
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535by Waini I.; Jamrus F.N.; Kasim A.R.M.; Ishak A.; Pop I.“… as the base liquid. The governing equations are solved numerically using similarity approach with the help…”
Published in Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences (2023)
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536by Mohd Apandi N.; Ahmad Zailani W.W.; Chin C.-L.; Ma C.-K.“… compressions. Numerical models verified RC column load-deformation. Although some specimens have considerable…”
Published in Engineering Computations (Swansea, Wales) (2025)
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537“…, health, food, supply chain management, industry etc. are severely impacted by the COVID-19 outbreak…”
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538by Chuan O.M.; Ghazali A.; Amin R.M.; Bhubalan K.; Nie L.J.; Omar T.M.F.T.; Khalil I.; Assaw S.; Chuen Y.J.; Yusoff N.M.; Jaafar I.; Rasdi W.N.N.W.; Mazlan N.; Husin M.J.M.; Mohamed R.M.S.R.; Anual Z.F.; Mengli C.; Wahid M.A.“…, vehicle numbers, and marine-related activities. All of these changes have also led to some unexpected…”
Published in Sains Malaysiana (2021)
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539by Wahid, Nurmarni athirah abdul; Suhaila, Jamaludin; ABD Rahman, Haliza“… (GLM) and Generalized Additive Models (GAM), have been used in numerous studies to examine…”
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540by Ismail N.I.; Hisyam Basri M.; M.m M.; Sharudin H.; Mat S.C.; Pahmi M.A.A.H.; Husin A.; Othman R.“… force, and membrane inflation owing to aerodynamic force was clarified. Several numerical simulations…”
Published in Jurnal Mekanikal (2023)
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