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241by Azreen M.A.; Hasan N.; Harun N.; Rasdi Z.“… of the foetuses’ hearts and the number of mitoses within the cardiac cells were significantly reduced (13.55…”
Published in Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences (2024)
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Article -
242by Ardyani T.; Mohamed A.; Abu Bakar S.; Sagisaka M.; Hafiz Mamat M.; Khairul Ahmad M.; Ibrahim S.; Abdul Khalil H.P.S.; King S.M.; Rogers S.E.; Eastoe J.“…Hypothesis: As compared to common aliphatic surfactants, increasing the number of pendant…”
Published in Journal of Colloid and Interface Science (2022)
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243by Afiahayati; Wah Y.B.; Hartati S.; Sari Y.; Trisna I.N.P.; Putri D.U.K.; Musdholifah A.; Wardoyo R.“… Organization (WHO) on 12 March 2020. Indonesia is reported to have the highest number of cases in Southeast…”
Published in Computation (2022)
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244by Agarwal A.; Sharma R.; Gupta S.; Finelli R.; Parekh N.; Selvam M.K.P.; Henkel R.; Durairajanayagam D.; Pompeu C.; Madani S.; Belo A.; Singh N.; Covarrubias S.; Darbandi S.; Sadeghi R.; Darbandi M.; Vogiatzi P.; Boitrelle F.; Simopoulou M.; Saleh R.; Arafa M.; Majzoub A.; Kandil H.; Zini A.; Ko E.; Alvarez J.G.; Martinez M.; Ramsay J.; Jindal S.; Busetto G.M.; Sallam H.; Maldonado I.; Anagnostopoulou C.; Alves M.G.; Sengupta P.; Gilany K.; Evenson D.P.; Lewis S.E.M.; Gosalvez J.; Ambar R.F.; Shah R.“…Semen analysis is the first, and frequently, the only step in the evaluation of male fertility…”
Published in World Journal of Men's Health (2021)
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Review -
245by Agarwal A.; Leisegang K.; Panner Selvam M.K.; Durairajanayagam D.; Barbarosie C.; Finelli R.; Sengupta P.; Dutta S.; Majzoub A.; Pushparaj P.N.; Elbardisi H.; Sharma R.; Gupta S.; Arafa M.; Roychoudhury S.; Alves M.G.; Oliveira P.F.; Henkel R.“…In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic led to the suspension of the annual Summer Internship…”
Published in Andrologia (2021)
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246by Zainuddin M.I.F.; Ahmad A.L.; Shah Buddin M.M.H.; Adnan M.A.“… lumen. As such, the coagulant activity of the bore fluid can be reduced by introducing solvent, which…”
Published in Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering (2025)
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247by Amin I.N.; Fathiah K.N.; ‘aliyaa N.N.; Badrina M.N.N.; Nadiah M.Y.N.; Hasnah K.S.; Norhafizah M.Z.; Khairiyah M.H.S.“… the identified families. The family with the highest number of individuals collected was Phoridae, with 89…”
Published in Biodiversitas (2023)
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248by Sultan A.H.K.; Chakravarthi S.; Kabir M.S.; Shirin L.; Hardev Singh H.S.; Mazumder M.M.; Farzana Y.; Ying T.S.; Raman K.S.; Chia T.Y.; Noureen A.; Nazmul M.H.M.“… monoclonal anti-PD-1 antibody, Pembrolizumab, exhibited promising single-agent efficacy in tumors…”
Published in South African Gastroenterology Review (2024)
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249by Muhammad Alif I.R.; Kamarudin A.F.; Seyed Hakim S.J.; Musa M.K.; Hamid S.; Mohammadhasani M.; Rathomy Romeli M.A.“… thickness and screw numbers on the ultimate tensile load, Pu, and failure modes of the BTB web connections…”
Published in Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering (2024)
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Conference paper -
250by Abg Ahmad D.F.B.; Wasli M.E.; Tan C.S.Y.; Musa Z.; Chin S.-F.“… that higher grain yield in T4H CRF was associated with an increase in panicle number and number of grains per…”
Published in Scientific Reports (2023)
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251“…Diabetes is a whole group of diseases in the body regulating blood sugar levels. There is a lack…”
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Article -
252“… associated with chronic illness. Consumption of junk food has increased manifold, which has led to a number…”
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Book chapter -
253by Z'aba M.R.; Jamil N.; Rohmad M.S.; Rani H.A.; Shamsuddin S.“… variants or flavours. The flavours differ in the length of tag, message block and the number of rounds…”
Published in Malaysian Journal of Mathematical Sciences (2021)
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254by Mohd Amin, Nur Izyan; Nordin, Nor Azlin Mohd; Ismail, Aniza; Pillai, Sharmila Gopala Krishna; Rasdi, Hanif Farhan Mohd“…, is steadily growing in number and prevalence worldwide. PD in Malaysia is expected to increase five-fold…”
Published in PLOS ONE (2024)
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255by Setyawan H.; Muhayat N.; Yuliadi M.Z.; Manurung Y.H.P.; Triyono“… with aluminium AA6063 to act as stiffeners. However, the joints often suffer structural damage…”
Published in Archives of Materials Science and Engineering (2023)
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256by Agarwal A.; Sharma R.K.; Gupta S.; Boitrelle F.; Finelli R.; Parekh N.; Durairajanayagam D.; Saleh R.; Arafa M.; Cho C.L.; Farkouh A.; Rambhatla A.; Henkel R.; Vogiatzi P.; Tadros N.; Kavoussi P.; Ko E.; Leisegang K.; Kandil H.; Palani A.; Salvio G.; Mostafa T.; Rajmil O.; Banihani S.A.; Schon S.; Le T.V.; Birowo P.; Çeker G.; Alvarez J.; Molina J.M.C.; Ho C.C.K.; Calogero A.E.; Khalafalla K.; Duran M.B.; Kuroda S.; Colpi G.M.; Zini A.; Anagnostopoulou C.; Pescatori E.; Chung E.; Caroppo E.; Dimitriadis F.; Pinggera G.-M.; Busetto G.M.; Balercia G.; Elbardisi H.; Taniguchi H.; Park H.J.; Rosas I.M.; de la Rosette J.; Ramsay J.; Bowa K.; Simopoulou M.; Rodriguez M.G.; Sabbaghian M.; Martinez M.; Gilani M.A.S.; Al-Marhoon M.S.; Kosgi R.; Cannarella R.; Micic S.; Fukuhara S.; Parekattil S.; Jindal S.; Abdel-Meguid T.A.-A.; Morimoto Y.; Shah R.“…Sperm vitality testing is a basic semen examination that has been described in the World Health…”
Published in World Journal of Men's Health (2022)
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Review -
257by Mansor, Nur Farhani; Zaki, Izzati Abdul Halim; Kiok, Lee Chew; Seng, Eng Kar; Ravi, Tharmini; Pathmanathan, Mohan; Goh, Khang Wen; Ming, Long Chiau; Razi, Pakhrur; Zulkifly, Hanis Hanum“…, contributing significantly to mortality, particularly in severe cases. However, their prevalence…”
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Article -
258by Razak N.H.A.; Michael Hall C.; Prayag G.“… as well as a number of specific issues in relation to halal hospitality practices are also examined. A…”
Published in The Routledge Handbook of Halal Hospitality and Islamic Tourism (2019)
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Book chapter -
259by Haris, Muhammad Hakimi; Shariff, S. Sarifah Radiah; Zahari, Siti Meriam; Nugroho, Bernardus Yuliarto“… and deliver a vehicle, a number of supply chain operations are needed, such as sourcing and procurement…”
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Proceedings Paper -
260by Hamid F.; Abidin Z.A.; Hayati F.; Inn F.X.; Zainuddin Z.“… years after removal of the primary tumor hence the need for surveillance. The most commonly involved…”
Published in Gazi Medical Journal (2019)
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