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1by Chinnasamy S.; Salvosa F.F., II; Esguerra C.V.“… coronavirus affected people’s lives and ways of living across the globe. Besides obvious physical and health…”
Published in Ecologies of Global Risk Journalism: Conceptualizing Local Journalism in an Era of Deep Disruptions (2024)
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Book chapter -
3by Agarwal A.; Finelli R.; Durairajanayagam D.; Leisegang K.; Henkel R.; Salvio G.; Aghamajidi A.; Sengupta P.; Crisóstomo L.; Tsioulou P.A.; Roychoudhury S.; Finocchi F.; Darbandi M.; Mottola F.; Darbandi S.; Iovine C.; Santonastaso M.; Zaker H.; Kumar Kesari K.; Nomanzadeh A.; Gugnani N.; Rambhatla A.; Duran M.B.; Ceyhan E.; Kandil H.; Arafa M.; Saleh R.; Shah R.; Ko E.; Boitrelle F.“… hemisphere and developed countries, and published in journals from the United States and Germany. Network map…”
Published in World Journal of Men's Health (2022)
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4by Segaran T.C.; Azra M.N.; Mohd Noor M.I.; Danish-Daniel M.; Burlakovs J.; Lananan F.; Xu J.; Kari Z.A.; Wei L.S.“… CiteSpace to examine the global seaweed research landscape through the Web of Science Core Collection…”
Published in Heliyon (2024)
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Review -
5by Agarwal A.; Sharma R.K.; Gupta S.; Boitrelle F.; Finelli R.; Parekh N.; Durairajanayagam D.; Saleh R.; Arafa M.; Cho C.L.; Farkouh A.; Rambhatla A.; Henkel R.; Vogiatzi P.; Tadros N.; Kavoussi P.; Ko E.; Leisegang K.; Kandil H.; Palani A.; Salvio G.; Mostafa T.; Rajmil O.; Banihani S.A.; Schon S.; Le T.V.; Birowo P.; Çeker G.; Alvarez J.; Molina J.M.C.; Ho C.C.K.; Calogero A.E.; Khalafalla K.; Duran M.B.; Kuroda S.; Colpi G.M.; Zini A.; Anagnostopoulou C.; Pescatori E.; Chung E.; Caroppo E.; Dimitriadis F.; Pinggera G.-M.; Busetto G.M.; Balercia G.; Elbardisi H.; Taniguchi H.; Park H.J.; Rosas I.M.; de la Rosette J.; Ramsay J.; Bowa K.; Simopoulou M.; Rodriguez M.G.; Sabbaghian M.; Martinez M.; Gilani M.A.S.; Al-Marhoon M.S.; Kosgi R.; Cannarella R.; Micic S.; Fukuhara S.; Parekattil S.; Jindal S.; Abdel-Meguid T.A.-A.; Morimoto Y.; Shah R.“…Sperm vitality testing is a basic semen examination that has been described in the World Health…”
Published in World Journal of Men's Health (2022)
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Review -
6by Chinnasamy S.; Salvosa F.F., II; Esguerra C.V.“… on social media and other digital platforms, is proving to be as much a threat to global public health…”
Published in Ecologies of Global Risk Journalism: Conceptualizing Local Journalism in an Era of Deep Disruptions (2024)
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Book chapter -
7by Agarwal A.; Finelli R.; Durairajanayagam D.; Leisegang K.; Sharma R.; Gupta S.; Singh N.; Belo A.; Darbandi M.; Madani S.; Covarrubias S.; Darbandi S.; Sadeghi R.; Pompeu C.; Boitrelle F.; Kandil H.; Saleh R.; Arafa M.; Vogiatzi P.; Rosas I.M.; Anagnostopoulou C.; Chockalingam A.; Wirka K.A.; Sallam H.N.; Shah R.; Henkel R.Get full text
Published in World Journal of Men's Health (2021)
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8by Agarwal A.; Finelli R.; Panner Selvam M.K.; Leisegang K.; Majzoub A.; Tadros N.; Ko E.; Parekh N.; Henkel R.; Durairajanayagam D.; Colpi G.M.; Cho C.-L.; Sallam H.N.; Park H.J.; Saleh R.; Micic S.; Ambar R.F.; Zini A.; Tremellen K.; Alvarez J.G.; Palani A.; Arafa M.; Gava M.M.; Jindal S.; Amar E.; Kopa Z.; Moein M.-R.; Busetto G.M.; Sengupta P.; Kavoussi P.; Maldonado I.; Fikri J.; Borges E., Jr.; Martinez M.; Bojovic D.; Rajmil O.; Aydos K.; Parekattil S.; Marmar J.L.; Sefrioui O.; Jungwirth A.; Rodriguez Peña M.G.; Cordts E.B.; Elbardisi H.; Mostafa T.; Sabbaghian M.; Sadighi Gilani M.A.; Morimoto Y.; Alves M.G.; Spasic A.; Kenic U.; Ramsay J.; Akande E.O.; Oumeziane A.; Dozortsev D.; Chung E.; Bell E.G.; Allegra A.; Tanos V.; Fiadjoe M.; Gurgan T.; Abou-Abdallah M.; Al-Rumaih H.; Oborna I.; Arab H.; Esteves S.; Amer M.; Kadioglu A.; Yuzko O.; Korsak V.; Shah R.Get full text
Published in World Journal of Men's Health (2021)
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9by Agarwal A.; Farkouh A.; Saleh R.; Hamoda T.A.-A.A.-M.; Harraz A.M.; Kavoussi P.; Arafa M.; Salvio G.; Rambhatla A.; Toprak T.; Gül M.; Phuoc N.H.V.; Boitrelle F.; Birowo P.; Ghayda R.A.; Cannarella R.; Kuroda S.; Durairajanayagam D.; Zini A.; Wyns C.; Sarikaya S.; Tremellen K.; Mostafa T.; Sokolakis I.; Evenson D.P.; Henkel R.; Zohdy W.; Chung E.; Ziouziou I.; Falcone M.; Russo G.I.; Al-Hashimi M.; Calogero A.E.; Ko E.; Colpi G.; Lewis S.; Serefoglu E.C.; Bahar F.; Martinez M.; Nguyen Q.; Ambar R.F.; Bakircioglu M.E.; Kandil H.; Mogharabian N.; Sabbaghian M.; Taniguchi H.; Tsujimura A.; Sajadi H.; Ibrahim W.; Atmoko W.; Vogiatzi P.; Gunes S.; Gilani M.A.S.; Roychoudhury S.; Güngör N.D.; Hakim L.; Adriansjah R.; Kothari P.; Jindal S.; Amar E.; Park H.J.; Long T.Q.T.; Homa S.; Karthikeyan V.S.; Zilaitiene B.; Rosas I.M.; Marino A.; Pescatori E.; Ozer C.; Akhavizadegan H.; Garrido N.; Busetto G.M.; Adamyan A.; Al-Marhoon M.; Elbardisi H.; Dolati P.; Darbandi M.; Darbandi S.; Balercia G.; Pinggera G.-M.; Micic S.; Ho C.C.K.; Moussa M.; Preto M.; Zenoaga-Barbăroșie C.; Smith R.P.; Kosgi R.; de la Rosette J.; El-Sakka A.I.; Abumelha S.M.; Mierzwa T.C.; Ong T.A.; Banihani S.A.; Bowa K.; Fukuhara S.; Boeri L.; Danacıoğlu Y.O.; Gokalp F.; Selim O.M.; Cho C.-L.; Tadros N.N.; Ugur M.R.; Ozkent M.S.; Chiu P.; Kalkanli A.; Khalafalla K.; Vishwakarma R.B.; Finocchi F.; Andreadakis S.; Giulioni C.; Çeker G.; Ceyhan E.; Malhotra V.; Yilmaz M.; Timpano M.; Barrett T.L.; Kim S.H.K.; Ahn S.-T.; Giacone F.; Palani A.; Duarsa G.W.K.; Kadioglu A.; Gadda F.; Zylbersztejn D.S.; Aydos K.; Kulaksız D.; Gupte D.; Calik G.; Karna K.K.; Drakopoulos P.; Baser A.; Kumar V.; Molina J.M.C.; Rajmil O.; Ferreira R.H.; Leonardi S.; Avoyan A.; Sogutdelen E.; Franco G.; Ramsay J.; Ramirez L.; Shah R.; Gherabi N.; Kahraman O.; Trotta C.; Rocco L.; Ngoo K.S.; Sallam H.; El Meliegy A.; Alhathal N.; Chien K.; Lee J.; Le T.V.“… Health Organization laboratory manual for the examination and processing of human semen. Many conditions…”
Published in World Journal of Men's Health (2023)
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10by Agarwal A.; Farkouh A.; Saleh R.; Hamoda T.A.-A.A.-M.; Salvio G.; Boitrelle F.; Harraz A.M.; Ghayda R.A.; Kavoussi P.; Gül M.; Toprak T.; Russo G.I.; Durairajanayagam D.; Rambhatla A.; Birowo P.; Cannarella R.; Phuoc N.H.V.; Zini A.; Arafa M.; Wyns C.; Tremellen K.; Sarıkaya S.; Lewis S.; Evenson D.P.; Ko E.; Calogero A.E.; Bahar F.; Martínez M.; Ambar R.F.; Colpi G.M.; Bakircioglu M.E.; Henkel R.; Kandil H.; Serefoglu E.C.; Alfakhri A.; Tsujimura A.; Kheradmand A.; Marino A.; Adamyan A.; Zilaitiene B.; Ozer C.; Pescatori E.; Vogiatzi P.; Busetto G.M.; Balercia G.; Elbardisi H.; Akhavizadegan H.; Sajadi H.; Taniguchi H.; Park H.J.; Rosas I.M.; Al-Marhoon M.; Gilani M.A.S.; Alhathal N.; Quang N.; Pinggera G.-M.; Kothari P.; Micic S.; Homa S.; Long T.Q.T.; Zohdy W.; Atmoko W.; Ibrahim W.; Sabbaghian M.; Abumelha S.M.; Chung E.; Ugur M.R.; Ozkent M.S.; Selim O.; Darbandi M.; Fukuhara S.; Jamali M.; de la Rosette J.; Kuroda S.; Smith R.P.; Baser A.; Kalkanli A.; Tadros N.N.; Aydos K.; Mierzwa T.C.; Khalafalla K.; Malhotra V.; Moussa M.; Finocchi F.; Rachman R.I.; Giulioni C.; Avidor-Reiss T.; Kahraman O.; Çeker G.; Zenoaga-Barbăroșie C.; Barrett T.L.; Yilmaz M.; Kadioglu A.; Jindal S.; Omran H.; Bocu K.; Karthikeyan V.S.; Franco G.; Solorzano J.F.; Vishwakarma R.B.; Arianto E.; Garrido N.; Jain D.; Gherabi N.; Sokolakis I.; Palani A.; Calik G.; Kulaksiz D.; Simanaviciene V.; Simopoulou M.; Güngör N.D.; Blecher G.; Falcone M.; Jezek D.; Preto M.; Amar E.; Le T.V.; Ahn S.T.; Rezano A.; Singh K.; Rocco L.; Savira M.; Rajmil O.; Darbandi S.; Sogutdelen E.; Boeri L.; Hernández G.; Hakim L.; Morimoto Y.; Japari A.; Sofikitis N.; Altay B.; Mahmutoglu A.M.; Al Hashimi M.; Ziouziou I.; Anagnostopoulou C.; Lin H.; Shah R.“… was to examine the global practices related to the use of SDF assays and investigate the barriers and limitations…”
Published in World Journal of Men's Health (2023)
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11“…The past decade has seen a rapidly changing landscape in priority areas for public health globally…”
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12by Gupta S.; Sharma R.; Agarwal A.; Boitrelle F.; Finelli R.; Farkouh A.; Saleh R.; Abdel-Meguid T.A.-A.; Gül M.; Zilaitiene B.; Ko E.; Rambhatla A.; Zini A.; Leisegang K.; Kuroda S.; Henkel R.; Cannarella R.; Palani A.; Cho C.-L.; Ho C.C.K.; Zylbersztejn D.S.; Pescatori E.; Chung E.; Dimitriadis F.; Pinggera G.-M.; Busetto G.M.; Balercia G.; Salvio G.; Colpi G.M.; Çeker G.; Taniguchi H.; Kandil H.; Park H.J.; Rosas I.M.; de la Rosette J.; Cardoso J.P.G.; Ramsay J.; Alvarez J.; Molina J.M.C.; Khalafalla K.; Bowa K.; Tremellen K.; Evgeni E.; Rocco L.; Peña M.G.R.; Sabbaghian M.; Martinez M.; Arafa M.; Al-Marhoon M.S.; Tadros N.; Garrido N.; Rajmil O.; Sengupta P.; Vogiatzi P.; Kavoussi P.; Birowo P.; Kosgi R.; Bani-Hani S.; Micic S.; Parekattil S.; Jindal S.; Le T.V.; Mostafa T.; Toprak T.; Morimoto Y.; Malhotra V.; Aghamajidi A.; Durairajanayagam D.; Shah R.Get full text
Published in World Journal of Men's Health (2022)
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14by Palafox B.; Seguin M.L.; McKee M.; Dans A.L.; Yusoff K.; Candari C.J.; Idris K.; Ismail J.R.; Krauss S.E.; Lasco G.; Majid F.A.; Palileo-Villanueva L.M.; Razak A.A.; Renedo A.; Balabanova D.“…Introduction Hypertension is a leading contributor to the global burden of disease. While safe…”
Published in BMJ Open (2018)
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15by Mansor, Nur Farhani; Zaki, Izzati Abdul Halim; Kiok, Lee Chew; Seng, Eng Kar; Ravi, Tharmini; Pathmanathan, Mohan; Goh, Khang Wen; Ming, Long Chiau; Razi, Pakhrur; Zulkifly, Hanis HanumSubjects: “…Health Care Sciences & Services; Pharmacology & Pharmacy…”
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16by Tameemi, Muaataz riyadh khalil al; Nair, Ramesh; Dass, Laura christ“… in global health narratives. The examination of metaphorical expressions revealed that fragile states were…”
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17by Majid, Norhaini; Ab Hamid, Mohd. Ramadan; Musa, Muhammad Fazlin; Suryanto, Suryanto“…Undernutrition, including stunting, is a global issue, with significant prevalence in Asia…”
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Proceedings Paper -
18by Zulkifli M.F.B.; Rahman A.A.A.; Zulkifli N.; Yasid A.F.M.; Mat B.; Alias M.S.B.“… billion, indicating heavy dependence on global markets. Population growth, expected to reach 42 million…”
Published in Journal of Ecohumanism (2025)
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19by Hisham N.B.; Rashid F.A.; Madon M.; Masri S.N.; Taib N.M.“… deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) monkeypox virus (MPXV). It is endemic in Central and West Africa, but global mpox…”
Published in Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences (2024)
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20by Maflahah I.; Omar E.N.; Hafiludin; Asfan D.F.; Firmansyah R.A.; Camelia S.N.“… and enable it to reach global markets. © 2024, Egyptian Society for the Development of Fisheries and Human…”
Published in Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Biology and Fisheries (2024)
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