Summary: | This research aims to analyze the aerodynamic performances surrounding paper planes. The dart paper plane model was chosen for this work based on the availability of experimental work done by previous researchers. The dart paper plane can be categorized as one of the micro air vehicles (MAV), however, the basic aerodynamic performances have been underestimated by previous researchers and are still open to be explored. In this work, a CFD simulation study on the dart paper plane was utilized by using the ANSYS-CFX module platform. A steady state, incompressible flow Navier-Stokes equation (RANS) combined with the Shear Stress Turbulence (SST) model was used to analyze the flow structure over the dart paper planes. Experimental data availability is used to compare experimental and our simulation results. Based on the validation work, the highest average percentage difference between CLmagnitude, CLmax, and AOAstall between our results and the experimental ones is 11.9%, 29.5%, and 24.2%. However, overall CL trends similarly exhibited with experimental results since the average percentage difference of CLincre magnitude is continuously reduced from 6.48% to 0.9% towards increment of AOA. For drag performance analysis, the overall trend magnitude distribution of our simulation and experimental results consistently increases towards the increment of AOA. The massive CD distribution had overcome the consecutive CL generation, thus decreasing the overall CL/CDmax magnitude. © 2024 Penerbit UTM Press. All rights reserved.