Summary: | The project focuses on developing SmartCart, a mobile application aimed at providing users with a safe shopping experience during the pandemic. It follows the Mobile Application Development Life Cycle (MADLC) and includes identification, design, development, prototyping, and testing phases. Key features include collaborative shopping, a QR/barcode scanner, and online payment capabilities. Compatible with Android and iOS devices, SmartCart encourages users to engage in collaborative shopping with friends and family members, fostering a sense of togetherness. Tested by ten users by using System Usability Scale (SUS), positive feedback was received regarding usability. However, the current version only supports credit/debit card payments via Stripe payment gateway. Future recommendations include adding e-wallet options and language preferences to accommodate a wider user base. These enhancements will further improve the shopping experience. © 2024, IEICES/Kyushu University. All rights reserved.