Summary: | Smishing is a mobile device attack in which the attacker sends text messages with malicious URLs, phone numbers, or E-Mail IDs to the victim with the intent of stealing sensitive user data such as bank account details, passwords, user credentials, credit card details, and so on. The attacker instructs the user to click on the link or contact the phone number or email address supplied in the SMS. The expanding usage of mobile phones and their integration into numerous communication systems has raised cyberattack susceptibility. The paper focus on the impact of smishing attacks, which primarily target public announcement systems using mobile phones. Smishing, a misleading tactic that uses SMS communication, could interrupt important public communication channels, and jeopardise people's security and privacy. The purpose of this paper is to examine the nature of smishing attacks on public announcement systems and offer solutions to reduce the risks. The paper aims to give insights into attacker techniques, vulnerabilities in current systems, and the repercussions on public trust and safety by studying real-world smishing episodes and their effects on public announcement systems. The findings help to propose effective preventative measures and incident response techniques to protect public announcement systems against smishing attacks, improving the overall security and dependability of mobile-based communication networks in public domains. © 2024 The Authors.