Summary: | In educational settings, a persistent challenge lies in accurately identifying and supporting students at risk of underperformance or grade retention. Traditional approaches often fall short by applying generalized interventions that fail to address specific academic needs, leading to ineffective outcomes and increased grade repetition. This study advocates for integrating machine learning algorithms into educational assessment practices to address these limitations. By leveraging historical and current performance data, machine learning models can help identify students needing additional support early in their academic journey, allowing for precise and timely interventions. This research examines the effectiveness of three machine learning algorithms: Naive Bayes, Deep Learning, and Decision Trees. Naive Bayes, known for its simplicity and efficiency, is well-suited for initial data screening. Deep Learning excels at uncovering complex patterns in large datasets, making it ideal for nuanced predictions. Decision Trees, with their interpretable and actionable outputs, provide clear decision paths, making them particularly advantageous for educational applications. Among the models tested, the Decision Tree algorithm demonstrated the highest performance, achieving an accuracy rate of 86.68%. This high precision underscores its suitability for educational contexts where decisions need to be based on reliable, interpretable data. The results strongly support the broader application of Decision Tree analysis in educational practices. By implementing this model, educational administrators can better identify at-risk students, tailor interventions to meet individual needs, and ultimately improve student success rates. This study suggests that Decision Trees could become a vital tool in data-driven strategies to enhance student retention and optimize academic outcomes. © 2024, Bright Publisher. All rights reserved.