Summary: | Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, education and training faced disruption, necessitating a shift to open and distance learning (ODL) due to lockdowns and social distancing. Socioeconomically disadvantaged hospitality students encountered significant obstacles, including limited electricity, connectivity, devices, and caregiver support, potentially exacerbating educational disparities. This study focuses on hospitality students who underwent a practical-intensive food and beverage class during the pandemic. Interviews were conducted to explore students’ ODL challenges, experiences returning to campus, and resilience in self-directed learning. Thematic analysis revealed three main themes and seven sub-themes. It was found that poor internet access and inadequate self-training tools hindered practical skill acquisition. Short video tutorials were proven effective, fostering students’ self-directed learning and video editing skills. Suffice to say, educational tools like short videos and social media assist underprivileged students’ practical skill development, thus bridging the digital divide in education despite the challenges. © 2024 ICHRIE.