Summary: | Online food delivery (OFD) apps have gained significant popularity in recent years, particularly among student populations. OFD apps have become a staple for students due to their busy schedules and the convenience of having a variety of food options delivered directly to their location, be it dormitories, libraries, or lecture halls. Understanding the determinants of students' intentions to continue using OFD apps is important to understand students’ behavior regarding these apps. Therefore, this research investigates the factors influencing user intention to reuse OFD apps, utilizing the E-commerce System Success model. Data from 571 respondents, collected through convenience sampling, were analyzed using SEM-PLS. The results indicate that factors such as convenience, ease of use, various choices, and satisfaction significantly impact the intention to reuse OFD apps. In contrast, information quality and perceived value, while not directly impacting reuse intention, are fully mediated by user satisfaction, influencing the intention to reuse indirectly. Additionally, satisfaction partially mediates the relationship between convenience and the intention to reuse the app. This research contributes valuable insights into university students’ usage of OFD app by emphasizing satisfaction as a fundamental mediator, enhancing understanding of factors influencing continued engagement in a student demographic. The insights from this study can guide OFD services to prioritize student satisfaction by emphasizing user-friendly interfaces, accurate information, and tailored offerings and enhancing customer service through targeted marketing and university collaborations for sustained student engagement, focusing on convenience, ease of use, and various choices. Limitations in this research revolves around the use of convenience sampling, potentially leading to non-representative findings. The study's focus on a students’ demographic and its cross-sectional nature also hinders generalization. © 2024, Malaysian Consumer and Family Economics Association. All rights reserved.