Summary: | In guaranteeing the halal integrity of the entire supply chain from farm to plate, halal logistics capabilities always play significant roles in ensuring its smoothness. Among the critical capabilities are food storage at the warehouse and its activities. Many existing researches have highlighted on importance of performance measurement, whether for organizations, products or processes, in an effort of improving business operational efficiency through better decision-making process. There are many issues and challenges in measuring the performance of the food storage warehouse especially for halalan toyyiban (HT) warehouse providers. In this study, the requirement of the assurance models and the elements for performance measurement are explored and analyzed through its issues and challenges. Two groups of case studies: a case study of four HT warehouse organizations (service providers) and a case study of four selected HT assurance models are used. Interviews and observation were conducted for the first case study, and document content analysis was conducted for the second case study. Based on the information and data findings, the framework for HT warehouse performance measurement (HTWPM) model is developed by adapting the balanced scorecard model and validated for its usability. For the validation purpose, the prototype system of HTWPM is created as a test tool and presented to the selected subject method experts (SME). The SMEs were responding to a questionnaire specially designed for the usability of the proposed system and the results show that HTWPM can be of help to support and improve the Malaysian halal industry, given gaining confidence and assurances among all related parties of the halal supply chain. © 2023 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.