Summary: | Spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) is a popular commercial crop that is used both fresh and after processing. In terms of nutrition, spinach is high in minerals and vitamins, particularly ascorbic acid (vitamin C). Lack of nutrients in the plant may be a big issue in spinach cultivation, while temperature, water, and sunshine also play a part in plant growth and can impact plant growth and production. The focus of this research was to determine the effect of NPK green mix with various types of manure on spinach growth and yield quality. The spinach was given 3 different treatments, T0 as a control, NPK green mix with chicken manure T1, NPK green mix with cow manure T2, and NPK green mix with rabbit manure T3. The result from this study shows significant different of fresh weight with value 226 g for treatment 3. For chlorophyll content, height of plant and number of leaves the result show such a not significant difference between all this parameter. In this research, also faced a problem by pest the attack of pest give impact on my yield. For the conclusion is mix NPK green with rabbit manure is very recommended for increasing the weight and yield of spinach. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.