Summary: | In this research, cerium oxide will be used as a fuel additive as it plays a major role in increasing biodiesel performance and improve the properties of the algae-biodiesel blends upon reducing the nitrogen emission and improving the engine performance characteristics. The main phases involved in this research are the extraction of algae oil, blending process of algae biodiesel with cerium oxide and data collection of dynamic viscosity with calorific value. The data collected were used as inputs to Design Expert (DOE) software for identifying the best formula to be blended in terms of dynamic viscosity and calorific value properties. The results obtained from the analysis shows that the final optimum blend obtained by the software showed that the viscosity obtained through this research was significant and the calorific value was conformed to the biodiesel standard. Thus, it proves that cerium oxide as fuel additive assists in improving fuel characteristics in algae biodiesel. © 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.