Summary: | Most Muslims believe that Faraid is the ultimate rule to distribute inheritance.Faraid implementation may cause issueson land distribution. When a small piece ofland is subdivided among the legal heirs,the portion of land received might beinsufficient to even build a house. Theawareness on Takharuj concept which isbased on mutual consent in inheritancedistribution may help solve this problem.The aim of this research is to optimize landdistribution and land use. Specificassumptions were made to lineage, familyties and land criteria. This article reports theuse of Goal Programming to formulate aTakharuj-based model that can solve issuesregarding productivity of land that has beendistributed using Faraid laws. Goals set forthe programming were to minimize thedeviations for the portion of land and tominimize the number of heirs who owns thepiece of land after combination. A list ofpossible combinations of the arable landsize was generated. The model was able toselect the optimal combination based on theminimum weighted sum of deviations fromthe goals that were set. Therefore, thisresearch has successfully provided a usefulTakharuj-based model to optimize thearable land size where the land owned byeach qualified heir can be categorized as a productive land to be developed © 2021, Global Journal Al-Thaqafah. All Rights Reserved.