Summary: | The fuzzy conjoint method (FCM) based on fuzzy set has been applied in many areas such as education, management and business. However, the FCM uses the fuzzy set to define the membership function of the linguistic values, which the score of weight and overall attribute for different degrees of confidence that cannot be obtained. Besides, the fuzzy set which is in discrete form does not clearly represent human judgement. Thus, in this study, a fuzzy number conjoint method (FNCM) based on triangular fuzzy number is developed. The fuzzy similarity measure based on distance, height and area was used in the procedure. The FNCM was implemented to analyse students' perception in the learning of calculus at one selected government institution in Selangor, Malaysia. The study involved a set of 5-options Likert scale questionnaire which is in linguistic values of strongly disagree, disagree, indifferent, agree and strongly agree. All the questions were on various items related to the learning of calculus. The findings showed that overall, students agreed at above 0.85 degree of similarity that they perceived positively in the learning of Calculus. The developed FNCM with a degree of agreement for each linguistic value can successfully evaluate the students' perceptions in the learning of calculus. This study will be as assistance and guidance to academicians and mathematics educators to enhance students' achievement in the learning of calculus. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.