Summary: | This paper presents Rainfall-Landslide Early Warning System (RLEWS) using Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) precipitation estimates to notify the warning level for the possibility of landslide occurrences in Ulu Kelang, Selangor. In this study, RLEWS is developed to monitor the possibility of rainfall-induced landslide occurrences by comparing real time TRMM rainfall data with a landslide rainfall threshold. The landslide rainfall threshold is constructed by using the accumulated rainfall-accumulated rainfall (E-E) diagram method. The warning levels of rainfall threshold are classified into three levels; high, moderate and low. The analysis and notification are updating every 24 hours to provide the initial potential landslide information signal. The rainfall threshold analysis was able to detect the early signal of initial potential landslide occurrences. The aims of this study are to develop a low-cost, sustainable early warning system and web base application to send notification and awareness for residential areas in Ulu Kelang, Selangor. © 2019 Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science.