Summary: | Major contribution of concrete and steel reinforcement in equivalent carbon emission was blow up the whole world to consider sustainable development as an important consideration in construction industry. Economical, environmental and social impact were the three main important criteria that need to be taken into account in designing a structure that is low impact towards the environment while promoting sustainable design. Therefore, this study was developed to propose an eco-efficient design for residential house that fulfill the requirement of sustainable design. An economical score and environmental score approach was applied in this study to analyze the eco-efficiency factors for the designed structures. From the research, it was discovered that, in eco-efficiency reinforced concrete design, the design parameters considered are crucial in order to control the economical and environmental parameters of the design. Few factors were discovered base on the analysis which are characteristic strength of concrete, amount of structural element volume, and type of alternative materials. Furthermore, the total volume of materials that needs to be controlled by determining suitable characteristic strength of concrete and assumption of suitable diameter of steel reinforcement in producing eco-efficiency design of reinforced concrete structure. © 2018 Author(s).