Summary: | Becoming agile in the context of this study is viewed as a process of utilizing sufficient technology to produce accurate and quality information, to support good decision making process quickly and efficiently within the state of uncertainties. In this setting, connectivity and technology is believed to provide great benefits to the business agility. However, despite the fact that technology continues to advances incredibly quickly, not all organizations are utilizing the latest and greatest technology to their advantage just yet. This is due to the fact that the dependency on IT often produces issues such as information security and cyber threats. The vulnerability of IT in this background has required a second thought on how these issues need to be tackled to ensures that organization are able to maintain its agility. In the effort of contributing to the existing body of knowledge on the business value of information security, this paper addresses the high level overview of the relationships between organizational agility (OA) and information security management(ISM) by understanding how information technology/systems (IT/IS) could become enabler of agility for business organizations and the needs of extensive security practices to serve that purposes.