Summary: | The purpose of this study is to examine the Files Structure Management in re-finding and re-entering the Research University Information. A few experiments have been carried out to examine the file structure management on re-finding and re-entering the research university information. The measurement is based on the total mouse click, and being simulated on many types of information compilation: 1. A researcher compiled his own data (1C1D), 2. An officer compiled data for a Faculty and many Academicians (1C1FMA), 3. An officer compiled data for many Faculties and many Academicians (1CMFMA). The results of this experiment showed that the structure of the file affects the management of re-findings and re-entering information, especially when it covers a wider area of information compilation from computerized and manual system. This study proposed a design of File Structure for managing information compilation of multi-resources information. © 2015 American Scientific Publishers. All rights reserved.