Summary: | Electronic Number Mapping (ENUM) is a suite of protocols to unify the telephone numbering system E.164 with the Internet addressing system DNS by using an indirect lookup method. This will generate NAPTR records. These records are stored at a DNS database. IETF started the ENUM Working Group in 1999. The group formed the standards of the basic protocol of ENUM as in RFC291 in the year 2000 and improved it as in RFC3761 in 2004. With these protocol, ENUM will be extended to e-mail, sip line, mobile and fixed telephone line, facsimile on telephone line, web browsing etc. ENUM technology, which is still at an infant stage, is a technology with Internet without border. It is essential for every country to develop ENUM. This paper discusses the preliminary framework for Malaysian implementation of ENUM by using the current telecommunication infrastructure. © 2008 IEEE.